Advisory Board

ADIA Lab is guided by an Advisory Board, comprised of internationally recognized thought-leaders in data-intensive scientific disciplines. Its ultimate goal is to help ADIA Lab realize its full potential as a leading global research institution, and to contribute to the advancement of knowledge and the betterment of society for the next generations, by fostering a culture of innovation, excellence, and collaboration. Among other responsibilities, the Advisory Board: (a) provides independent counsel to ADIA Lab’s Director on all matters, with integrity, transparency, and a shared sense of purpose; (b) identifies research priorities with the potential to make a meaningful impact on society; (c) nominates and confirms research fellows; (d) defines ADIA Lab’s research programs, and monitors their progress; (e) provides oversight and guidance to ensure that ADIA Lab’s research is conducted in an ethical and responsible manner; (f) peer-reviews ADIA Lab’s research output; and (g) actively seeks input from external stakeholders, including industry partners, government agencies, and community groups.

Advisory Board Members

  •  Dr Horst D. Simon

    Dr Horst D. Simon

    Director, ADIA Lab

    Dr Horst Simon is an internationally recognized expert in the development of parallel computational methods for the solution of scientific problems of scale.

  •  Professor Shafi Goldwasser

    Professor Shafi Goldwasser

    Director of the Simons Institute for the Theory of Computing and the C. Lester Hogan Professor in Electrical Engineering and Computer Science at UC Berkeley

    Professor Goldwasser was the recipient of ACM Turing Award for 2012. She was also the recipient of the Gödel Prize in 1993 and another in 2001…

  •  Professor Steven Chu

    Professor Steven Chu

    William R. Kenan, Jr., Professor of Physics and Professor of Molecular & Cellular Physiology in the Medical School at Stanford University

    Professor Chu is an internationally renowned scientist who was named co-winner of the 1997 Nobel Prize in Physics alongside Claude Cohen-Tannoudji and William D. Phillips "for development of methods to cool and trap atoms with laser light".

  •  Professor Alex Pentland

    Professor Alex Pentland

    HAI Fellow at Stanford, Toshiba Professor of Media, Arts, and Sciences at MIT, co-creator of the MIT Media Lab and founder of the MIT Connection Science and Human Dynamics Labs

    Professor Alex Pentland is a global expert on AI and data analytics and secure distributed information systems that support such analysis. 

  •  Professor Miguel Hernán

    Professor Miguel Hernán

    Kolokotrones Professor of Biostatistics and Epidemiology at the Harvard Chan School of Public Health and Director of CAUSALab

    Professor Miguel Hernán uses health data and causal inference methods to learn what works.

  •  Professor Guido Imbens

    Professor Guido Imbens

    The Applied Econometrics Professor at the Stanford Graduate School of Business and Professor of Economics in the Economics Department at Stanford University

    Professor Guido Imbens is The Applied Econometrics Professor at the Stanford Graduate School of Business (GSB) and Professor of Economics in the Economics Department at Stanford University.

  •  Professor Jack Dongarra

    Professor Jack Dongarra

    Recipient of the 2021 ACM A.M. Turing Award, Member of the US National Academy of Engineering, Foreign Member of the Royal Society, Emeritus Professor in the Electrical Engineering and Computer Science Department at the University of Tennessee, Distinguished Research Participant at the Department of Energy’s Oak Ridge National Laboratory, Turing Fellow at the University of Manchester’s School of Mathematics, and Adjunct Professor at Rice University’s Computer Science Department.

  •  Dr Edward Jung

    Dr Edward Jung

    Co-Founder and Chief Technology Officer, Intellectual Ventures

    Edward Jung is a global expert in innovation ecosystems, with 40 years of experience in software, R&D, entrepreneurship, and startups in multiple countries, with scientific expertise in mathematical physics and biophysics.

  •  Professor Marcos López de Prado OMC

    Professor Marcos López de Prado OMC

    Global Head – Quantitative Research & Development at ADIA, Professor of Practice at Cornell University's School of Engineering, Research Fellow at Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory (U.S. Office of Science), and Professor of Practice at Khalifa University’s Department of Mathematics

  • Professor Alex Lipton

    Global Head – Quantitative Research & Development at ADIA, Visiting Professor and Dean’s Fellow at HUJI’s School of Business Administration, Professor of Practice at KU’s Department of Mathematics, and Connection Science Fellow at MIT’s Media Lab.

    Professor Alex Lipton joined ADIA in 2021 in the position of Global Head - Quantitative Research & Development in the Strategy & Planning Department.